About Me

Lauretta Hannon standing outside
"As a writer, I have only one desire--to fill you with fire, to pour into you the distilled essence of the sun itself.

I want every thought, every word, every act of mine to make you feel that you are receiving into your body, into your mind, into your soul, the sacred spirit that changes clay into men and men into gods."
--Thomas Dreier

In short, my aim is to get you closer to your flame.

To help you become more joyful, free, peaceful, authentic, and wild.

This is at the heart of my writing, mentoring, teaching, speaking, everything.



Because I have been on the other side. A childhood full of darkness. Mental, spiritual, and material poverty. Surrounded by hurting people who were hurting others. Yet I noticed that humor and laughter and lightness could puncture that darkness, even if just for a moment. That even a speck of gratitude in the midst of the suffering could let the sun in.

These revelations–along with a real need to do the healing work of telling my story–led to the writing of The Cracker Queen–A Memoir of a Jagged, Joyful Life. To my astonishment, six New York publishing houses were vying for the book, and it sold at auction! It became a bestseller three weeks after its release.

In the course of connecting with readers, I began to discern my calling. As I traveled across the country giving talks and workshops, I kept getting the same questions: “How are you so joyful, especially after everything you’ve been through? And how can I get there?”

I have spent the last twelve years exploring the answer. It has put me on a path of transformation, a transformation that I want for everyone. Every. One.

But let me be clear: I am no guru or authority on high. Instead, look at me as your spirited companion on the road of shadow and light. It’s a road I know well–for I know both where the bandits are hiding–and how to locate the treasure along the way.

So if you feel even the slightest tug or spark while reading this, consider it your invitation to join me on this marvelous adventure. We will dive deep and go through some grit, but the pearls shall be ours for the taking.

PS–I’m working on a new book, too…stay tuned. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates, exclusive stories, and first notices about events and classes.


Professional Bio

Named the “Funniest Woman in Georgia” by Southern Living Magazine, Lauretta Hannon is the bestselling author of The Cracker Queen–A Memoir of a Jagged, Joyful Life (Gotham Books, Penguin) and has been a commentator on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, where her stories have reached 25 million listeners. Her memoir was named “One of the Top 25 Books All Georgians Should Read” by the Georgia Center for the Book. A documentary about her story, Raised in the South of Normal, captured several dozen awards at film festivals across the country.

In addition, Lauretta has been a syndicated advice columnist in 23 newspapers and a blogger for The Huffington Post. In 2018 she was selected to be a faculty member at the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop at The University of Dayton. A Hambidge Fellow, she has completed numerous writing residencies at the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences as well as a residency at the Lillian E. Smith Center of Piedmont University.

As the author of Images of America: Powder Springs (Arcadia), she documented the history of a small town in the midst of transition. In her volunteer role with the local historical society, she led the effort to seek out and include the rich history of the African-American population. Thanks to collaborations with the University of West Georgia and Kennesaw State University, permanent exhibits, publications, and oral histories now exist.

Supporting and guiding other writers is an integral part of her mission, and her work with incarcerated women and youth has been especially meaningful.

Lauretta is in-demand as a keynote speaker and offers writing and self-growth seminars as well as one-on-one consultations for writers and others. She blogs and podcasts at laurettahannon.com and recently gave a TEDx Talk titled This Sentence Will Transform Your Life. Her Front Porch Views podcast is available wherever you like to listen.

Lauretta writes in a shed that was once the site of a covert moonshining operation. This pleases her to no end.