I’m a history fanatic, so a long trip through Southwest Georgia did not disappoint. The landscape was dotted with family cemeteries, 200-year-old pecan groves, abandoned storefronts, beautiful old homes, operating gins, and streets with names like Chain Gang Road, Shorty B’s, and Long Lonesome Road (cue the song by Shocking Blue).
And then there was Parrott. The tiny burg oozed with irresistibly odd atmosphere. You could feel it from the highway, and I was lured right in. The Twilight Zone moment came when I glanced up at the water tower guarding the town cemetery. What were those black things all over the white tower? They couldn’t be birds because they were stationary. Maybe these were props for a Halloween event or filming. I studied them for a few minutes and then saw movement and detected a flutter. These were massive turkey buzzards, and they were very much alive. Hitchcock couldn’t have designed a creepier scene.
As I sank deeper into dark imaginings, an unknown creature approached, emitting a sound that made me jump out of my skin. It turned out to be a kitty just saying hello. Ha!
In reading the history of Parrott, I found no clues to explain the eeriness. On a side note, actress Joanna Moore was born there (although Americus claims her as well). Some might remember her as a girlfriend of Andy Griffith’s on that great show.
Enjoy these photos of the downtown ghost town and surroundings. While it’s a mysterious place, it’s also quite charming.